[Free Airdrop] GET 200 CFUN (1COIN=0.01$ 200COIN=2$ Listed Exchange: EXX, Coinrail, Coinegg, Allcoin) Recommended rating ★★★★★
CFUN Coin Airdrop is listed on 4 exchanges. You can trade immediately after Airdrop shutdown. CFun is currently listed on ECC, ALLcoin, Coinegg and Coinrail, and will establish partnerships with more globally known exchanges in the future.
1. Site access
2. QUTM or CFUN Wallet Setting (Choose one out of three)
- Wallet Site1. http://qtumeco.io/wallet
3. CFUN Telegram join (Code copy)'
4. Code Verification
5. Referrer 50 CFUN per person ($0.5)
6. Listed Exchange: EXX, Coinrail, Coinegg, Allcoin
7. Token rewards will be sent to the valid wallet address within 30 days after this airdrop is over.
GET 5 BPTN Token (1BPTN=$0.02 5BPTN=$1 Refer=5BPTN) [BPTN is listed: HIBTC,CoinTiger,yobit)
1. Site access
2. MyETH Address & Submit
3. Twitter Retweet
4. Twitter Follow
5. BPTN Telegram join (Code copy)
6. Code Verification
7. Referrer 5 BPTN per person (1$)
8. BPTN is listed in the following exchange
www.HitBTC.com | www.CoinTiger.com | lk.Exrates.me | yobit.net
9. YOBIT: https://yobit.io/en/trade/BPTN/BTC/?bonus=UljJz
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